AsteroidsAndAliens Wiki

Amalgamations of ice and dirt that drift through space.  Half the game of "Asteroids and Aliens."

Asteroid lutetia rosetta july 2010 sm

Asteroid Types[]

  • Small Asteroids:  16x16.  Small rock with some mineral content.  Dark brown and orange in color.  Harmless, absorbed by the ship's force field and used to purchase upgrades and power-ups.

  • SmAst2a
    Rich Small Asteroids:  16x16.  Shiny and rich with minerals.  Brown with bright yellow streaks.  Harmless, absorbed/mined by the ship's force field and used to purchase upgrades and power-ups.

  • Medium
    Asteroids:  3 HP; 32x32.  Brown and yellow in color.  These are large enough to destroy the ship.  When destroyed, it spawns four small asteroids.  They take 6 seconds to mine via the Harpoon, yielding 16 minerals.

  • Rich Medium As
    teroids:  2 HP; 32x32.  Uncommon Medium Asteroid laced with valuable minerals.  Light yellow and gray.  When destroyed, it spawns four rich small asteroids.  High target for alien mining.  Takes 8 seconds to mine, yielding 48 minerals.

  • Large Asteroids:  10 HP;  64x
    64.  Less common amalgamation of ice and dirt.  Dark grey and light red in color.  These are more than large enough to destroy the ship.  When destroyed, four medium asteroids are spawned outward from its center.  Takes 12 seconds to mine, yielding 32 minerals.

  • CrysAst
    Crystalline Asteroids:  64x64.  A large asteroid consisting of high levels of a diamond-like substance, making it indestructable to all weapon types and impossible to capture and mine.

Breaking Up Asteroids[]

Info on how the breakup works/movement of the sub-pieces (pictures coming soon!):

The sub-pieces spawn centered on the initial asteroid, then radiating outward to become centered on the corners of the square the intial asteroid occupied.

For example, if a large asteroid (64x64) is destroyed, it spawns four medium asteroids (32x32).  The four-pixel-square center's 'top left' of the large asteroid (31, 32) will mark the four-pixel-square center 'top left' to place the medium asteroid (15, 16).  Thus four medium asteroids spawn, each with two other asteroids adjacent to it.
  • Medium asteroid #1 (top left) spawns with its pixel at (15, 16) on the large asteroid's pixel at (31, 32).
  • Medium asteroid #2 (top right) spawns with its pixel at (16, 16) on the large asteroid's pixel at (32, 32).
  • Medium asteroid #3 (bottom left) spawns with its pixel at (15, 15) on the large asteroid's pixel at (31, 31).
  • Medium asteroid #4 (bottom right) spawns with its pixel at (16, 15) on the large asteroid's pixel at (32, 31).
From there, they stretch out at a slope of plus/minus 1 until the center square of each medium asteroid is in the corners of the square the large asteroid was framed within.
  • Medium asteroid #1 (top left) halts with its pixel at (15, 16) on the large asteroid's pixel at (0,64).
  • Medium asteroid #2 (top right) halts with its pixel at (16, 16) on the large asteroid's pixel at (64,64).
  • Medium asteroid #3 (bottom left) halts with its pixel at (15, 15) on the large asteroid's pixel at (0,0).
  • Medium asteroid #4 (bottom right) halts with its pixel at (16, 15) on the large asteroid's pixel at (64,0).

For the rich minerals, which spawn 8 small minerals from a medium, the cluster must spread out further.  The spawn points stay the same, except two small minerals per spawn point.  The asteroids that move diagonally towards the corners continue to move until their corners match the medium asteroids corners.  Thus Small Asteroid #1 moving up and left will halt when its bottom right corner (16,0) is on top of the medium asteroid's top left corner (0,16).  The other four will move only vertically or horizontally.  Asteroid #5, occupying the same space as Asteroid #1, moves upward until its bottom pixels move past where its top pixels were.  Thus if the top most pixel of Small Asteroid #5 (x,16) starts at Medium Asteroid (8<=x<=23,23) and would halt when the bottom most pixel (b,0) is on Medium Asteroid (8<=b<=23,24).  Rich Medium Asteroids now only spawn four Rich Small Asteroids.
